

My Sensual Massage and Sensuoil sessions are both formats to explore sensual touch, a way of bringing together the mind, body and soul and making them dance for harmony, strength and joy.

I have a contemporary, non-dogmatic approach to massage and sensual touch, combining my tantric training with other techniques and schools of thought. Each session is an intensely enjoyable and powerful journey, an opportunity to indulge things you love and to discover new things about yourself.

The Sensual Massage is a full body massage. A Sensuoil Session is a dynamic oil-dance exchange between the guest and myself. In addition to relaxation, fun, or exploration, both containers can also be used for for healing. We can work on overcoming insecurities (self-worth, confidence, body image etc), overcoming intimacy issues, past traumas (sexual or other) and more.

Always mindful of the receiver's needs and boundaries, I tailor each session to best suit the guest. We start with some welcome time, a chat about expectations, boundaries and consent. This is followed by around 90 minutes of active massaging or Sensuoil exchange. All sessions end with gentle aftercare time.

Touch is a language. How rich is your vocabulary?

There are different possibilities in tailoring sessions for couples, including intimacy building games, teaching partners how to massage each other, four hands massage and more.

Please note
Though inherently sensual, the sessions are distinctly not a sexual service.

To discuss any of this in detail, or to book a session, contact me.


“A truly wonderful massage - calm, sensuous, ultimately joyful. Am so grateful, Sasha. Thank you for such an amazing experience.”

“The session was a wonderful experience, to say the least. It was a sensual, but soft and gentle affair. I could see how beneficial something like this would be for people who have been deprived of touch or have experienced past trauma. There is definitely a sensual flow to the session but it is not sexual at all, and I that found very comforting. You end up leaving the session feeling confident, relaxed and with a silly grin in your face.”

“Sasha holds such beautiful, healing space. The massage is restorative not only for the body but also for the soul. In the course of several sessions, with Sasha's help, I have been able to overcome particular childhood trauma, which I thought I would have to live with for the rest of my life.”

“On my friend’s recommendation I had my first tantric massage with Sasha. Not being sure what to expect really. He immediately put me at ease with a full explanation and an assurance that at any point I could stop or adjust the process. The environment was quiet and warm. Sasha was thoughtful and considerate. His interpretation of the music, weaving it into his movements, lifted and grounded the massage, at the same time. I felt my skin and muscles relax and my very insides come alive - he connected with my energy and my chakras, drawing out the best of me - re-energising and calming. It was a unique experience and one that I too will go on to recommend.”